I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear. Nelson Mandela

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Course book

Rodrigo presented his personal topic, it was about "Course books".
Rodrigo tried to explain the advantages and disadvantages of "Course books" for teachers at the moment of teaching.
For me, the advantages and disadvantages are very clear. In the case of advantages, I have to say that text books can be very useful to use new ideas and strategies to teach and evaluate but at the same time text books can affects the teachers' per.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

gender byas

Fernanda presented about Gender Bias in education. We usually do not pay attention to thids kind of things and whitout knowing we are discriminating between men and women.

If we think in the word "History" we can realize this is compund by "His-Story", I mean the story of "his" of "Men"... it is really important because society is always separating and classifying men a women, and we cannot allow this to continue inside the classroom.

The presentation was quite clear and showed a very powerful message we were not aware of before the presentation.

critical opinion parameters

Today Mr Litman gave us certain parameters to pay attention.
This parameters were:
  • Body language: gesture, mood, eye contact and posture.
  • use of english: accent, fluency, accuracy, pronunciation, intonation, word order, rhythm.
  • dcontent: depth and breadth.
  • originality and novelty.
well this are some of the point that I havce to pay attention in order to give better feedback to my classmates.


daniela's speech
"Tic's in children education"

After fernanda`s presntation it was the turn of Daniela who talked about smartboard.
She talked about a seminar that she assited in universidad Finis Terrea. The topic was intelligent whityeboards. The only thing that I could say that I learnt was that smartboard is a brand and there are just two school that have this tecnology in their places.

I do not have much to say because I thing Daniela is very worried about her work and she did it quite well.