I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear. Nelson Mandela

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

individual presentations

The first one it was Diego.
He presented about drugs, specifically about mary jane.
He haves us some tips that how we can work this subject with our students.
Finally he showed a video very thoghu about the consume of drugs.
It was very well prepared and short, He did a very good job.

Then it was my turn, I prsented about teenagers deppres and suicide.
I try to give some tips to detect this terrible illness and to help people that migth have this illness. I was nervous and I think that I have to control that, so I am going to work in that.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Curfew in teenagers

Today some of my classmates from section 2 make a presentation about "curfew in teenagers".

Claudia, Clara and Marlen gave some information about the topic and then started a debate.

Personnaly I did not enjoy the debate because I felt like they were not very well prepared to do

a debate, even though the information was good and clear I noticed that they made organizational mistakes, as an example when Claudia was presented sudenly one of the other girls interrupted her and started talking about other things.

I hope the next time they prepare a better presentation and also they get involved with the topic they will present

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

pre university courses, are they necessary?

this debate was presented by Marlen, Paula and Claudio.

They started talking about what preuniversity are.

According with them preuniversity are:

"institutions focused to prepare students to face the PSU (prueba de selección universitaria)"

then they explain the differences between the preuniversity like prices, and names.

finally they did the debate question, Are the preuniversity necessaries?

the conclusion some people need them and other do not. it is going to depends on the mature of the students or the based education before the PSU. In my personal case I needed because I studied in a technical school and there you are not prepared to face a PSU.

can anyone be a teacher?

Felipe, Fernanda and Diego presented this topic.

they started giving some of information about Finland ands South of Korea where good jobs and teacher's qualifications are a result of high student's scores.

Finally they started the debate based on the following question. Can anybody be a teacher?

I personally think that anyone can instruct in some subject that somebody manage, but being a teacher is more than manage in a specific topic. I think anyone who decide to be a teacher should test in order to now if the person really want to be a teacher, because is difficult to deal with different matter that happen inside a classroom and mainly the person who wants to be a teacher should have vocation because if the person does not have vocation the result that he/she gets would not be goods.

So I think the person who decide to be a teacher should have to take a vocational test.