I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear. Nelson Mandela

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Today we shared opinions about our participation in lessons and I realized that I am not participative in lesson and I thought that I was wasting a great opportunity to speak and practice my English so I decided to participate more in lesson and not only in Mr Litman's lesson. I will use any chance that I have to practice and to increase my knowledge.
At the end of the Lesson Mr Litman talked to us an idea that I had. He was thinking to use debate as a tool to make us participate more in lesson and I am sure that it will work so I am hoping for the first one to participate and to practice.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Troubled adolescents at school

Maria Teresa, Marlen and Paula presented the topic of "Troubled adolescent at school".

They presented the topic very clearly. They talked about what a troubled adolescent is; some behaviour problems in children, changes caused by poverty, the influence of society and attraction to bad behaviour, among other things.
They presented some risk factors like violence, alcohol and suicide, introduced the acronym of ADHO (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) which means and special issue of troubled teens, and talked about some special schools that help troubled teenagers such as military schools, boarding schools, and disciplinary camps.

I enjoyed a lot this presentation because it was dynamic and also useful, because when we will be teaching probably we are going to deal with this kind of factor or reality from our students. the presentation was good but too fast, i think they were worried about the time. the activity was interesting, because they gave us two different problems and they asked us: How can we face this?.

After the presentation we were to the language laboratory to know the page http://www.educarchile.com/ and to know what this page it's about.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Bullying in secondary schools.

Katherine and Nadia presented bullying in secondary school. I think was more of the same, definition, forms of bullying, consequences, but they gave us a new piece of information, they talked about the bystanders, who is people that watch but they don’t intervene at bullies actions. One of the best things I saw in this presentation as that they prepared a handout with a glossary with new words, most of them I didn’t know it. So it was a useful and good material, because it helped me to understand better the presentation, the only thing that they forgot was the time because they use around 30 minutes to presented, and the deadline it was just 20, they prepared a good activity so to me the excess of time it was just a detail.

Life flash

Mr. Litman showed us the “life” video again. This time we needed to pay attention to the details. We talked to our classmates and discussed the philosophy, the ideas and the background music. The leader of every group shared the different opinions and everybody listened.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

School Leadership

Rodrigo, Felipe and Fernanda presented the topic of Leadership and it was a real micro lesson. They started with a quote of kotter I don’t know who is but it was a good entry to start their micro lesson. They talked about the differences between management and leadership. They move a lot and they were able to catch our attention asking for read the paragraphs in slides and using the whiteboard, tool that anyone else use, They prepared a good activity and at the end they gave us a handout with the differences between a leader and an administrator, well done.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Comment on bullying

Renato and Roberto from the other section presented bullying in secondary school. They made a good job starting with videos. The topic was more of the same but they showed new information related on Chilean’s reality about bully. They showed some statistics and they showed in a slide a lot of pictures with people who were being bullied at school with tragic ending.
They prepared an activity but they forgot to give us the instruction about what we had to do, so I got confused. I think they made a good presentation but they made a huge mistake because they include in slides a few words and when some of us asked about the meaning they didn’t know.

Classroom Management

Daniela and Evelyn presented today classroom management, they started with a video in flash, it was nice but the resolution it wasn’t good enough. They made a really nice power full of colors and well organized. Although the topic was the same as my group made, they were able to present with other view and without repeat information so that was very good. They prepared a good activity but we didn’t have enough time to discuss it. Evelyn looked confident but Daniela looked a little nervous.