I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear. Nelson Mandela

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Today I want to share with you a picture of my students. the eight year skarmeta from Liahona School. They were the children with I was doing my professional training.
I would like to say that I enjoyed every minute with them and I learnt a lot working with them.
The next week they are going to graduate and I was invited to assit to that important moment of their live. It means a lot to me the gesture they had.
I hope to improve every day and give the better of me teaching english.
thats all for today but before saying goodbye Iwould like to share with you the following quote and I hope you like it.

"Education is what survives when what has been learned has been forgotten."
B. F. Skinner

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Last Post

Well I enjoyed doing this blog. I thing it is very useful for me because I could train writing and also checking my mistakes.
I thing that I will use this instrument in the future with my students.
I learn a lot from my classmates presentations and also about what I investigate to do my presentation as well.
I think this was a great lesson and useful even thoguh we didnot have a lot of time with Mr Litman.
I would like to say that I am going to continue looking the perfection in my writing and also I will try to write carefully because when I write I do not pay attention to details.

If any person who visit my blog look find a mistake please let me know writing a comment.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

large hadron collider

The last lesson I could not be present because I was working in my thesis and I think thath at the moment it was more important. One of my classmates old me that fabian presented about LHC and I think that it was an excellent topic and I decided to do a reserch about it. So this is what I found.

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the world's largest and highest-energy particle accelerator, intended to collide opposing beams of protons or lead ions, each moving at approximately 99.999999% of the speed of light.

The LHC was built by the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) with the intention of testing various predictions of high-energy physics, including the existence of the hypothesised Higgs boson and of the large family of new particles predicted by supersymmetry. 27 kilometres (17 mi) in circumference, it lies underneath the Franco-Swiss border between the Jura Mountains and the Alps near Geneva, Switzerland. It is funded by and built in collaboration with over 10,000 scientists and engineers from over 100 countries as well as hundreds of universities and laboratories.

On 10 September 2008, the proton beams were successfully circulated in the main ring of the LHC for the first time. On 19 September 2008, the operations were halted due to a serious fault between two superconducting bending magnets. The LHC will not be operational again until summer 2009.

The LHC was officially inaugurated on 21 October 2008, in the presence of political leaders, science ministers from CERN's 20 Member States, CERN officials, and members of the worldwide scientific community.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

cartoons, TV and videogames

Today also presented felipe who talked about cartoons, TV and Videogames.
He gave some examples like Pokemon that means "pocket monsters", through this Japanese cartoons, is possible to recognize some hidden words in the name of the characters like "Ekans" = Snake, or "Arboc" = Cobra. The other way to understand and learn new words in English is through video games, according to what Felipe said, people is more exposed to use English through video games because usually, video games are played in its original language (English).
This presentation was very interesting and helpful as well, because we can use this information in our lessons and theach the students through authentic material.

Role playing in education

Claudio spoke about "Role playing games in education", I know that he is a lover of this kind of games that is the reason why I could understand his original topic, anyway, trough this presentation, Claudio explained some different aspects about role games, and how it can be used in order to motivate the students to use their imagination and some academical skills at the same time.
Personally, I do not like this kind of games, but indirectly Claudio gave me an incredible advice "teach playing and you will be giving a significative teaching".

communication with your children

Today Peter presented about comunication. his point of view were really interesting and also He integrated his presentation with diego`s presentation and mine.
he showed advantages for a good communication and some ideas to improve the relation between parents and children.
I enjoyed his presentation and I think that he was very well prepared and he chose a song called jeremy by pearl jam that show what happen when we are not able to have a good communication with our sons.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

femicide is not fashionable

The second presentation of this day was made by katherine, she decided to talk about "Femicide" a very serious topic that day to day is more present in our social context where a lot woman are killed by their stupid couples. Katherine, did not just talk about femicide, she explained how our society is accepting this kind of behaviour as some common and normal, her example was about a jeans brand that promote its products through images where girls were hurt by bad boys, this brand is called FES.

I think was an interesting topic and well prepared, she showed confidence and good speech.

teacher burnout

Today also evelyn presented. she presented about teacher burnout. she followed the steps are neccesary in a presentation introduction, definition, causes, sign and sympthoms, treatment and prevention and finally a conclusion. she gave us a handout with vocabulary and useful information.

She has always demonstrated that prepare very carefully her presentation.

stress at the end of the year

This class, Nicole talked about the stress that we as teachers might cope with at the end of the year. She gave us some tips to help us control our emotions and maintain calm.

I can say that Nicole's presentation was really useful to reload our energies to finish this year in a good way. she had a good speech, i think that nicole has been improving through the presentation because now she looks more confident so well done.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Course book

Rodrigo presented his personal topic, it was about "Course books".
Rodrigo tried to explain the advantages and disadvantages of "Course books" for teachers at the moment of teaching.
For me, the advantages and disadvantages are very clear. In the case of advantages, I have to say that text books can be very useful to use new ideas and strategies to teach and evaluate but at the same time text books can affects the teachers' per.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

gender byas

Fernanda presented about Gender Bias in education. We usually do not pay attention to thids kind of things and whitout knowing we are discriminating between men and women.

If we think in the word "History" we can realize this is compund by "His-Story", I mean the story of "his" of "Men"... it is really important because society is always separating and classifying men a women, and we cannot allow this to continue inside the classroom.

The presentation was quite clear and showed a very powerful message we were not aware of before the presentation.

critical opinion parameters

Today Mr Litman gave us certain parameters to pay attention.
This parameters were:
  • Body language: gesture, mood, eye contact and posture.
  • use of english: accent, fluency, accuracy, pronunciation, intonation, word order, rhythm.
  • dcontent: depth and breadth.
  • originality and novelty.
well this are some of the point that I havce to pay attention in order to give better feedback to my classmates.


daniela's speech
"Tic's in children education"

After fernanda`s presntation it was the turn of Daniela who talked about smartboard.
She talked about a seminar that she assited in universidad Finis Terrea. The topic was intelligent whityeboards. The only thing that I could say that I learnt was that smartboard is a brand and there are just two school that have this tecnology in their places.

I do not have much to say because I thing Daniela is very worried about her work and she did it quite well.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

individual presentations

The first one it was Diego.
He presented about drugs, specifically about mary jane.
He haves us some tips that how we can work this subject with our students.
Finally he showed a video very thoghu about the consume of drugs.
It was very well prepared and short, He did a very good job.

Then it was my turn, I prsented about teenagers deppres and suicide.
I try to give some tips to detect this terrible illness and to help people that migth have this illness. I was nervous and I think that I have to control that, so I am going to work in that.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Curfew in teenagers

Today some of my classmates from section 2 make a presentation about "curfew in teenagers".

Claudia, Clara and Marlen gave some information about the topic and then started a debate.

Personnaly I did not enjoy the debate because I felt like they were not very well prepared to do

a debate, even though the information was good and clear I noticed that they made organizational mistakes, as an example when Claudia was presented sudenly one of the other girls interrupted her and started talking about other things.

I hope the next time they prepare a better presentation and also they get involved with the topic they will present

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

pre university courses, are they necessary?

this debate was presented by Marlen, Paula and Claudio.

They started talking about what preuniversity are.

According with them preuniversity are:

"institutions focused to prepare students to face the PSU (prueba de selección universitaria)"

then they explain the differences between the preuniversity like prices, and names.

finally they did the debate question, Are the preuniversity necessaries?

the conclusion some people need them and other do not. it is going to depends on the mature of the students or the based education before the PSU. In my personal case I needed because I studied in a technical school and there you are not prepared to face a PSU.

can anyone be a teacher?

Felipe, Fernanda and Diego presented this topic.

they started giving some of information about Finland ands South of Korea where good jobs and teacher's qualifications are a result of high student's scores.

Finally they started the debate based on the following question. Can anybody be a teacher?

I personally think that anyone can instruct in some subject that somebody manage, but being a teacher is more than manage in a specific topic. I think anyone who decide to be a teacher should test in order to now if the person really want to be a teacher, because is difficult to deal with different matter that happen inside a classroom and mainly the person who wants to be a teacher should have vocation because if the person does not have vocation the result that he/she gets would not be goods.

So I think the person who decide to be a teacher should have to take a vocational test.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Keirsey temperament

We had to do a test from the web site www.keirsey.com. The Keirsey Temperament Sorter is a powerful 70 question personality instrument that helps individuals discover their personality type. After 71 questions, this is my result:

All Artisans (SPs) share the following core characteristics:

  • Artisans tend to be fun-loving, optimistic, realistic, and focused on the here and now.
  • Artisans pride themselves on being unconventional, bold, and spontaneous.
  • Artisans make playful mates, creative parents, and troubleshooting leaders.
  • Artisans are excitable, trust their impulses, want to make a splash, seek stimulation, prize freedom, and dream of mastering action skills.
Artisans are the temperament with a natural ability to excel in any of the arts, not only the fine arts such as painting and sculpting, or the performing arts such as music, theater, and dance, but also the athletic, military, political, mechanical, and industrial arts, as well as the "art of the deal" in business.

Artisans are most at home in the real world of solid objects that can be made and manipulated, and of real-life events that can be experienced in the here and now. Artisans have exceptionally keen senses, and love working with their hands. Artisans will strike off boldly down roads that others might consider risky or impossible, doing whatever it takes, rules or no rules, to accomplish their goals. This devil-may-care attitude also gives the Artisans a winning way with people, and they are often irresistibly charming with family, friends, and co-workers.
In the Artisan view, today must be enjoyed, for tomorrow never comes.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Cuban Educational System

This class Katherine, Pedro and Fabian presented their topic and debate about Cuban Education.

Some important facts:

  • Cuba maintains the highest rate of literacy in Latin America.

  • If they graduate from the preparatory college school, they can attend college for free if they choose.

  • The record of Cuban education is outstanding: universal school enrollment and attendance; nearly universal adult literacy.

And they have:

  • Great attention to teachers (extensive pre- and in-service training, high status and morale, incentives, transparent system of accountability, strategies for developing a culture of professionalism, rewards for innovation)

  • Low-cost instructional materials of high quality

After these valuable information our classmates separated us in two groups to start the debate.

the debate was really entertainment because all of us had something to say, so we share opinions and as a conclusion we think that we are not prepared for use this method in our country, because the government prefer to invest the money in other matters, and I think do not take serious the education in our country.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

British Educational System

Today was the turn of Evelyn, Maria Teresa and Rodrigo.
They presented about the British educational system and focused on "Public School".
Schools that are very different from what are our public school just look at the picture that belong to Wellington college (a public school)

I enjoyed the presentation because I learnt about a different educational system and also because it was really precise in terms of time and very well prepared by my classmates.
Ones the presentation finished we started a nice debate where we gave our arguments about this topic.
And as I said in the debate as a conclusion "I prefer my children are in school learning and studying instead of being alone at home"


This picture is the result of the page in the tittle http://wordle.net/.
this web site allowed us to do that, we just have to put our paragraph or what we want to write and the web side transform that into a nice form of letter. There are different fonds and you can write what you want. Pretty nice!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Educational research

In the last class Mr. Litman gave us as homework look for the term "Learning to learn"
in a new search page www.cuil.com. I got different web pages with this concept.
Finally I decided the following page http://www.indiana.edu/~reading/ieo/digests/d163.html
In this web page I found a work Prepared by: Karen Ngeow and Yoon-San Kong and it was called "Learning to Learn: Preparing Teachers and Students for Problem-Based Learning"

Problem-based learning (PBL) is an educational approach that challenges students to "learn to learn". Students work cooperatively in groups to seek solutions to real-world problems and more importantly, to develop skills to become self-directed learners. Here, the goal of problem-based learning is viewed as learning for capability rather than learning for the sake of acquiring knowledge. PBL is unique in its integral emphasis on core content along with problem solving (Gallagher, 1997). Within the context of reading in the PBL classroom, learning thus becomes much more than the process of mere knowledge seeking. Students develop critical thinking abilities by constantly relating what they read to what they want to do with the information. They question the writer's assumptions and analyze information presented, all within the context of finding answers to "What can I do with this information?" and "What does understanding this mean to me?" This digest discusses some of the challenges in learning that students face, and identifies web resources that teachers can use to support student learning.

So this research was really interesting. I got excellent information about how to use the PBL method in the classroom and also how to asses this method. This method will be very useful for me, because with it I can help my future student to learn by themselves and get involved with updated information taken from different sources and promote the critical thinking of them.

Monday, July 21, 2008

A controversial issue

This week we have witnessed one of the most controversial issues of this year. It was so important and shocking at the same time that it removed any other piece of news from the news reports. Everybody had their own point of view of the subject.A student called María Música, in the middle of a dialogue session threw half a liter of water to the Minister of Education’s face. It was really controversial.What kind of dialogue can the Minister have with someone that?.

This action was terrible, a total lack of respect. At midnight I was watching the news and It was being interviewed the mother of this girl and she support completely the action that her daughter did.

It is difficult to understand the behaviour of the girl. I do not know what is going to be the action that authorities will take but they have to do something.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

1st Debate

Well, yesterday it was the first debate. Nicole, Drenny, Rodrigo and I presented about LOCE, Nicole and Drenny started the presentation explained some important issues about the LOCE, after that Rodrigo and I separated our classmates in two different groups, Rodrigo's group were against the LOCE and my group were for LOCE. It was really hard to find arguments for LOCE, because my classmates were against the law, however we were able to find some good points in LOCE.
I think it was a good debate, but one of the problems that we had to face it was the fact that my classmates are not very participative in speaking activities, so Drenny had to name some of them in order to make them participated in the debate.

I hope the next debate will be better and I hope to learn from those topics because I do not know to much about British education so I hope to learn.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Debating in a EFL classroom

The last lesson Mr Litman showed us a power point presentation about debate.
It was a really interesting topic and I learned some things that I did not know, so it was good.
In this presentation Mr Litman showed us why teaching debate is beneficial and what advantages we could take from this methodology.
Some of the advantages that debates present:
The debate present a unique opportunity to develop critical thinking skills and also introduce global issues. This helps to be updated about all important issues that happen in our planet.

After giving the benefits from debate we read the class objectives of this methodology, as an example: students should understand and be able to share opinions, gain critical thinking skills and also they should become aware of global and cross-cultural issues.

Finally Mr Litman gave us a list of topics to use in future debates, tree of these topics were free and I hope one of the groups who picked a free topic present something about euthanasia because I would like to know the opinions of my classmates about this issue.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

updating blogs

well in the last session with Mr Litman we went to the idiom laboratory to update our blogs.
I was looking for pictures because the only thing that I had in my blog was wrote entries. Then I started to check my spelling and also the tenses, because when I am writing I do not pay attention to details. Diego helped me to check the tenses and spelling.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Today we shared opinions about our participation in lessons and I realized that I am not participative in lesson and I thought that I was wasting a great opportunity to speak and practice my English so I decided to participate more in lesson and not only in Mr Litman's lesson. I will use any chance that I have to practice and to increase my knowledge.
At the end of the Lesson Mr Litman talked to us an idea that I had. He was thinking to use debate as a tool to make us participate more in lesson and I am sure that it will work so I am hoping for the first one to participate and to practice.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Troubled adolescents at school

Maria Teresa, Marlen and Paula presented the topic of "Troubled adolescent at school".

They presented the topic very clearly. They talked about what a troubled adolescent is; some behaviour problems in children, changes caused by poverty, the influence of society and attraction to bad behaviour, among other things.
They presented some risk factors like violence, alcohol and suicide, introduced the acronym of ADHO (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) which means and special issue of troubled teens, and talked about some special schools that help troubled teenagers such as military schools, boarding schools, and disciplinary camps.

I enjoyed a lot this presentation because it was dynamic and also useful, because when we will be teaching probably we are going to deal with this kind of factor or reality from our students. the presentation was good but too fast, i think they were worried about the time. the activity was interesting, because they gave us two different problems and they asked us: How can we face this?.

After the presentation we were to the language laboratory to know the page http://www.educarchile.com/ and to know what this page it's about.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Bullying in secondary schools.

Katherine and Nadia presented bullying in secondary school. I think was more of the same, definition, forms of bullying, consequences, but they gave us a new piece of information, they talked about the bystanders, who is people that watch but they don’t intervene at bullies actions. One of the best things I saw in this presentation as that they prepared a handout with a glossary with new words, most of them I didn’t know it. So it was a useful and good material, because it helped me to understand better the presentation, the only thing that they forgot was the time because they use around 30 minutes to presented, and the deadline it was just 20, they prepared a good activity so to me the excess of time it was just a detail.

Life flash

Mr. Litman showed us the “life” video again. This time we needed to pay attention to the details. We talked to our classmates and discussed the philosophy, the ideas and the background music. The leader of every group shared the different opinions and everybody listened.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

School Leadership

Rodrigo, Felipe and Fernanda presented the topic of Leadership and it was a real micro lesson. They started with a quote of kotter I don’t know who is but it was a good entry to start their micro lesson. They talked about the differences between management and leadership. They move a lot and they were able to catch our attention asking for read the paragraphs in slides and using the whiteboard, tool that anyone else use, They prepared a good activity and at the end they gave us a handout with the differences between a leader and an administrator, well done.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Comment on bullying

Renato and Roberto from the other section presented bullying in secondary school. They made a good job starting with videos. The topic was more of the same but they showed new information related on Chilean’s reality about bully. They showed some statistics and they showed in a slide a lot of pictures with people who were being bullied at school with tragic ending.
They prepared an activity but they forgot to give us the instruction about what we had to do, so I got confused. I think they made a good presentation but they made a huge mistake because they include in slides a few words and when some of us asked about the meaning they didn’t know.

Classroom Management

Daniela and Evelyn presented today classroom management, they started with a video in flash, it was nice but the resolution it wasn’t good enough. They made a really nice power full of colors and well organized. Although the topic was the same as my group made, they were able to present with other view and without repeat information so that was very good. They prepared a good activity but we didn’t have enough time to discuss it. Evelyn looked confident but Daniela looked a little nervous.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Bullying in Secondary schools

Claudio, Fabian and Pedro talked about bullying in secondary school.
It was a nice presentation, they started given a definition of bullying, the causes and also the influence of the media in this topic. they showed us characteristics from the aggressor and the victim, the role of the parents, they gave us tips of control and prevention of bullying, and a video which showed a short story of a child that was being bulled and how he faced this problem.
They asked us ours point of view and tried to make us participated, but they forgot the activity so it was more a presentation than a micro lesson.

Life by Bruno Bozzetto

Today Mr Litman showed us a flash called "LIFE"
it was really interesting because the flash showed us how had been the evolution of our life.
the flash started showing a person who was in a cloud and this person take a sit and then get some kind of machine. this machine had got 7 buttons 6 of them with numbers and the last one with the word delete.
this person firstly press the 1 and pick a planet then he press the 2 and he got a zoom then he press the 3 and started to appear trees and flowers then he press the 4 and appear animals then he press the 5 and appear humans and houses then he press the 6 and appear a lot of building and skyscrapers. suddenly among the buildings started to sound screams sirens and shoots. this person got a binoculars and he looked among the buildings and the only thing he saw was violence, pollution and noise, he saw just chaos so he make a decision and press the last button and this planet was gone to the garbage and inside the garbage had a lot of planets and between them were the earth.

This flash makes me think about how the human being have lost their values and how we are destroying our planet. This flash showed a critics, in my opinion, of human being http://www.bozzetto.com/Flash/Life.htm in this direction you can watch the LIFE's flash

Teacher's Personality

Today presented Dreny, Nicole and Katherine. They talked about how we should be in front of a class, how we could improve what we already know but don’t practice and how we should behave with students correctly. They gave us some tips to improve our lessons.
They mentioned the teachers' role. Among them we can find involver, planner, manager, motivator, parent/ friend, diagnostician and resource.
They made a good presentation with a very interesting video called "Teddy's Bear". This video was about the story of a teacher and her prejudices about a boy with no interest in class. The ending of the story was really emotive. It was a sad story but with a happy ending.
They had a good use of time but while they were showed us the parctical hints for teacher I got loose because they did that part so fast that I couldn't understand some teachers' roles and They forgot to gave more participation to the students.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Classroom Management (presented by Rodrigo, Diego and me)

Today was day of presentation. Diego, Rodrigo and I presented about classroom management. I think our presentation was clear and also well explain. We showed a power point in where we put some important piece of information such a: use of voice, proximity, seating arrangement, some tips about how to get the students’ attention.
I personally think that our presentation was well organized and also well prepared but we made a mistake because we forgot it to print a material that we prepared in order to know if our classmates pay attention to our presentation, so that was a point less and also an other thing to pay attention the next time it is control our time because we past the 20 minutes that we had.
I hope the next time I do it better and I hope to improve the things that we forgot such a time and print the material before the lesson.

That’s all folks peace out

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Open a Facebook account

Well today I had lesson in the lab and I created an account on Facebook. I’m not familiar with Facebook but I’ll try to use it so anyone who wants to be my friend just has to send me an invitation and I will be very happy to accept it.
The next Tuesday I will have to present about classroom management and I hope to do it very well. That’s all for today

Peace out

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Liverpool reachs semifinal

Well today I didn't have communicative's lesson because my teacher get sick. So I run to my place and I arrived when Babel score the 4-2 against Arsenal. I'm really happy becasue my team reaches the semifinal in the UEFA Champions League and I hope that Liverpool also win against Chelsea on april 22nd. Ok thats all for today.

I'm still without knowing about what it is going to be written here.

See you around.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Welcome to Anfield Road

Well, this is my first post. I've just created this space but I'm still not sure about what is going to be written here.
So I started giving a personal touch about my favourite hobbie to feel more comfortable while editing this space.Well, see you arround and, please, be welcome to Anfield !!!